Food Allergy Treatment

What Are Allergies

The immune system's main role is to protect our body from infections and cancer, but sometimes it overreacts to what is typically a harmless substance. This overreaction is known as an allergic reaction. Common airborne or inhalant allergies include pollens, dust, dust mite, mold, and animal dander. The classic example of airborne allergy is hay fever, which produces symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy eyes, and asthma in response to seasonal pollens.

The wide spectrum and variety of symptoms caused by allergies are often unrecognized by patients and their physicians. Identifying and treating underlying allergies is one of the major approaches we use at this clinic to solve health problems.

Allergy Treatment & Allergy Testing

Whether you’ve started experiencing symptoms recently or you’ve been suffering with allergies for years, we can help you identify and help you understand what causes your allergies along. We can also treated with desensitization so that you can more effectively reduce your symptoms due to allergies.

We screen patients for a wide array of common and uncommon allergies. Furthermore, we offer a variety of treatment options to ease your symptoms and make your life easier. Contact our office today to make an appointment to get relief of your symptoms.

The Many Types of Symptoms

Effective allergy treatment means treating the right symptoms. While the best-known allergy symptoms include Itchy runny nose, sneezing, etc. there are actually a multitude of symptoms that can be caused by allergies.

Allergy symptoms are known to be mediated by the release of histamine and numerous other inflammatory mediators. Allergic reactions are basically inflammatory in nature, which can adversely affect any organ system in our body, for example:

  • Inflammation in the nose-congestion, itchiness

  • Lung Inflammation-asthma, coughing

  • Gastrointestinal Inflammation -- "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" alternating constipation/diarrhea

  • Joint and muscle inflammation -- arthritis, muscle pain fibromyalgia, allergic myalgia

  • Brain inflammation-mental fogginess, memory impairment, mood swings, depression

Seek Help As Soon As Possible

Don’t suffer on your own if you’re having some of the above symptoms -- find out what you’re allergic to, especially when you suspect you have been experiencing allergic reactions. Not only will you get the relief you need, but also you will be protecting your overall health. Look at allergies as warning signals. Don’t ignore them. They are telling you that there is something wrong that needs to be fixed

Long-term untreated inflammation can lead to chronic disease, which is one of the reasons why identifying, avoiding and treating allergies is important. Cardiovascular disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s have all been clearly recognized as having a major inflammatory component.

So, from both a health improvement and a disease prevention viewpoint you should strongly consider getting tested and treated for allergies. If you do you will find it to be extremely beneficial.

Contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Buscher to determine whether you are suffering from allergies or to discuss treatment options.