Tests For MCS

Environmental Medicine physicians order routine blood tests if they have not been done recently. Allergy testing is usually recommended. Most patients with chemical sensitivities have allergies they don't recognize, especially food allergies. Patients with MCS can reduce their level of sensitivity by lowering” the total load” from other allergens and stressors. Identifying and eliminating these other allergens and stressors is essential. We do very detailed allergy testing for food and inhalant allergens Including dust, dust mites, mold, animal danders. (See allergy section for more details).

Other fairly commonly ordered tests include:

  • Antioxidant status

  • Toxic metal evaluation-lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and others. This includes blood levels and challenge testing with chelation.

  • Urine mycotoxin levels

  • Gluten (gliadin) sensitivity

  • Thyroid function including thyroid autoantibodies

  • Functional nutritional analysis (Vitamin and mineral levels)

  • Intracellular mineral levels

  • Amino acid levels

  • Venous oxygen levels

  • Comprehensive stool analysis-screen for fungal and parasite infections, intestinal inflammation, pancreatic enzyme deficiency, leaky gut, gluten sensitivity, mucosal immunity

  • Urine organic acids-evaluates cellular metabolism and nutritional imbalances.

  • Peripheral Arterial Tonometry-evaluates toxic vasculitis and endothelial function